Hoffmann Building
Mezzanine Hangout
Bring your little ones to meet the
creators of
Roo, The Roaring Dinosaur
and make your very own Moomie.
Children’s author David Bedford
and illustrator Mandy Stanley will
be hanging out on the Mezzanine
throughout the weekend with stories
and activities galore.
FREE. All ages welcome
The Big Top Tent
The Translation Station
Did you know that more than 400 million
people speak Spanish as their native
language and that more than 240 million
people speak Portuguese? Would you like
to have a go at speaking one of these
languages? Drop by the Translation Station
and translate your favourite song, poem
or proverb – or just learn to say hello.
FREE. all ages welcome.
SAT U R DAY & Sunday
Please note: ages for children’s events are a broad guide